Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ahh... Fall is here

So summer is over, the kids are back at school and football has started. Fall must be here. This will be our first Fall/Winter in Bend, so I must admit I am a little nervous and a little excited. We are looking to buy a new car, one that will do well in the snow and get better gas mileage.

Grace is in the 3rd grade this year, Mrs. Stoaks is her teacher. She seems to be enjoying it.

Jimmy is right in the middle of middle school, 7th grade this year. Puberity is full fleged as well. Can't believe my little guy is growing up so fast. Soon he will be driving and dating and off to college! Where did the time go? I am thankful that he still stops sometime during his day to hug me and let me know he loves me. I am blessed. He is starting half back for the school football team, IF he can keep his grades up. He is a good student, just doesn't prioritze well. But atleast this time it is not me pushing him to finish and turn things in on time. If he wants to play, he has to do the work.

I have been working a lot, but that is okay. I am liking my job a lot better. I am hoping with the extra money I can maybe go to Vegas and visit my dad. He says October is a good month for that. We will have to wait and see. Would be nice if he came here and saw Jimmy play some football and visit with Grace.


Natasha said...

I like your new blog page! Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks:)

Rebecca said...

Very nice page! Great to have you back to blogging. I am totally gonna change my page using the site you used. Sweet...and free!